A Steam client update is now available. To apply the update, click the File menu inside of Steam and then select "Check for Steam Client Updates...". The specific changes include:

Steam Client

  • Made connections to misbehaving content servers timeout and retry a new server correctly
  • Fixed the client sometimes forgetting a game exists after a content update on Steam
    在連線Steam更新之後 , 修正本機端一些忘記遊戲的存在
  • Fixed several rare crashes and memory corruption bugs
  • Workaround for a Firefox 3.5 bug where they activate random windows after minimizing which would confuse the state of some Steam windows
    工作在Firefox 3.5版的臭蟲 當你在視窗隨機的行為 在縮小一些Steam視窗可能會混亂的狀態
  • Fixed internet tab in the in-Steam ServerBrowser not updating sorting as more servers are refreshed
  • Fixed the first time launch "Installing ..." dialog which is shown while installing things like DirectX for a game taking too much CPU and making the install take a long time
  • Fixed the sorting of the games list to be case insensitive and fix the mini-games list to use the same sorting method as the full games list

  • Fixed Change User menu option not logging you out correctly
  • Fixed one case of downloads getting stuck
  • Fixed a potential crash in D3D8 games switching between windowed and full screen caused by the in-game overlay
  • Fixed unnecessary minidump when in offline mode
  • Fixed overlay bug where opening the overlay from an in-game menu (ie, Invite Friends in a L4D lobby) could result in the overlay opening and closing immediately if you had previously used the "Close" button in the overlay itself

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